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10901 York Rd. Cockeysville, MD | 410-666-2522
Quality Collision Repair Since 1970


Located in Cockeysville, MD
Located in Cockeysville, MD
Call Us Today 410-666-2522

Take a Look at Some FAQs About Our Auto Services

Find Answers to Your Estimate-Related Questions

Get your burning questions about our estimate service or auto collision repairs answered below. If you have further questions and would like to contact us personally, feel free to call or visit us.
Auto Collision Repair

FAQs About Our Auto Repair Shop and Services

Q. Is there a charge for obtaining an estimate from Kelly's Body Shop?
. No. We provide a FREE estimate service for all customers. We have highly qualified individuals who use a computer estimating system to determine the estimate. The right to choose the shop for your auto repairs rests with you by law.

Q. Do I need more than one estimate?
. No. You don't have to waste your time getting estimates. Just select a repair facility that you feel most comfortable with. Even better if they can work with your insurance company. Once you've chosen the shop, notify your agent. Your insurance adjuster may have to inspect the damage first. This can be done at the insurance claim center or the shop you've chosen.

Q. Do I need an appointment to obtain an estimate?
A. Though you don't need an appointment to get an estimate, we'll recommend it for your convenience. You can walk into our shop between 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

Q. Does Kelly's Body Shop repair vehicles from insurance estimates?
A. Yes. A large portion of our work stems from insurance estimates. We pride ourselves for having connections within the insurance field. We'll do everything we can to handle your insurance estimates.

Q. What if damages are found that are not listed on the estimate?

A. Once any hidden damages are found, your insurance company will be notified immediately about the nature and cost of the damage. At Kelly's Body Shop, we have a velocity computer that can detect hidden damages that cannot be seen by the naked eye. 

Q. Is your work limited to certain vehicles?
A. We service all makes and models of automobiles and trucks. We can handle all your repair needs.

Q. Does Kelly's Body Shop work with all insurance companies?
A. We work with every major insurance company.
Call us for FREE estimates!
We have three certified in-house estimators who can provide you with the best possible estimate within 10 minutes.
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